
Connect 4

Hi, it’s been a while! It was not long ago I was talking about setting goals and now we’re already over halfway through 2019. I’ve barely been blogging, I know 🙈 I just set my goals and ran with them, without checking in on you! I’m sure many of you have been following my antics

Hello there

So I am back writing! ?                     Hello to everyone that used to enjoy my blogs and welcome to the newbies. I took some time out to process some real loss and grief. I can’t believe it’s been 2016 since I’ve written a solid post. Don’t

Marina dreaming

Taking time out to refresh your mind is one of the most beneficial things for your health. Whilst we run ourselves ragged working 5, 6, even 7 days a week, taking time out to see friends, family and meet up for dinners/birthdays. Trying to fit in trips to see the latest film or that comedy

Greedy Goat

So there I was, about to venture into the scrum by the barriers of Piccadilly Circus Station and make the long packed, sweaty journey home; then I spotted the cute mint green Greedy Goat pop up. As a goat’s milk drinker for the last 9 years after a stomach bug left me unable to stomach

Know your power!

HAPPY HUMPDAY!!! Sending positive vibrations to you all, I hope you’re having a brilliant week. After a conversation with a friend I really thought about the power we don’t realise we have. Many times we are in situations or circumstances and find we have come to a dead end. We don’t believe in ourselves any

Waterloo Wonders

  Last week walking back from the Act for Change debate on the Southbank I noticed a striking shop window in one of the arches under Waterloo Bridge. I’ve seen it many times but this time I decided to take a closer look. Have a gander below!        The top of the arch represented

Act For Change

The audience in the Olivier Room at National Theatre buzzed with an determined energy yesterday. Determined for change. It had also probably never looked so diverse! The theatre included subtitles on a screen and 2 signers for the deaf. People of all cultures, backgrounds, abilities and ages (the youngest included a 5 year old and


I love Street Art, it’s a brilliant way for artists to express themselves, react to social issues and create a vibrant buzz in an area. Brixton has always been a vibrant, creative community, a melting pot of culture. Music on the street, independent shops, amazing food and produce on the market, the smell of incense

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