Sophia, the real-life Avatar!


So I decided I wanted to be an Avatar for the day!


Tia, a family friend of mine asked to be the model in her end of year college show. You may remember I modelled the special effects burns make-up previously for Tia and we had loads of fun. This time however it was Body Painting… yes people… butt naked! (Aside from bikini bottoms of course). The theme Tia had in mind was an underwater creature but after sharing a preview on my Instagram (@sophia_sinclair), there was one word which kept cropping up.


I had such a fun day, it was a long one. It took Tia roughly 6 hours to apply, who knew body painting was so intricate? Tia also used silver leaf to cover my modesty and each piece had to be applied individually with tweezers. The paint was slicked onto my skin using water and then we had to wait for it to dry before she applied more coats or any detailing. It was FREEZING!!! Imagine being naked and then coated in wet paint! I had the essentials though (snacks, hot tea, magazines and my phone) so can’t complain. Tia really looked after me. My make-up looked so extra-terrestrial, with silver-leaf forehead detail and the turquoise colours really suited my skin tone. (Did I mention Tia is a qualified make-up artist now). Follow her Instagram: @tiannadelight_x.

I would definitely do it again! Check below for photos of the finished job.

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Instagram: @sophia_sinclair (above)

With some of the other models (below)

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I loved the look so much I went home with my face make-up on. Managed to get a nice seat on the train too 😉

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